Caritas is Becoming Meals on Main Street
The world has a surplus of food, so why can’t we eliminate food insecurity in Port Chester?
Existing meal programs in Port Chester reach 17-20% of the population living below the poverty line, and Port Chester pantries provide groceries and fresh produce to only 25% of needy families.
The pandemic has taught us our existing model of food distribution isn’t doing enough…
Before, we were entirely dependent on people in need coming to us for a meal or for fresh produce. COVID-19 made that harder and even dangerous, so we realized we had to bring the food to the families where they live.
What if we could reach every neighborhood where the need is great?
Enclosed are our plans to solve the food insecurity issue in Port Chester. Our new facility will not only prepare and serve meals but will also act as a Community Based Food Hub, receiving food donations and recovering food which would be thrown away, and using the food to make meals to be distributed in the neighborhoods that need it most.
We want to eliminate food insecurity in Port Chester by 2023.