Farm to Table and Back Again?
Every Summer and Fall, several farms and community gardens donate part of their harvest to Caritas for use in our kitchen and for distribution at our pantry.
Most of what we receive is edible but some is not.
As part of our Wast No Food initiative, we gather up scraps and peelings, as well as rotten or damaged produce and fruit collected from restaurants and supermarkets, and we send them back to the farm for composting.
When you come to volunteer as either a sous chef in our kitchen or to help with pantry distributions on Wednesdays and Saturdays, you may find yourself filling blue recycle bags with vegetables and fruit that is much better suited for composting than for consumption. The bags will either be dropped off at Hilltop Hanover Farms in Yorktown Heights, or picked up by The New York School for the Deaf for composting in their locations.
We will be looking to expand the network of restaurants, stores, farms and community gardens participating in this recycling initiative, so let us know if you are aware of anyone who might be interested.
We will use the good and recycle what isn't to help contain the cost of feeding the hungry.
Won't you join us?