What will it take to end food insecurity?
How much is enough?
Is it one meal a month, a week, a day?
Or is it much more basic than that?
It doesn’t take a lot to do a lot…
The mission of Meals on Main Street is simple. We want to eliminate food insecurity wherever we find it. And that’s the key. Our eyes need to be open to finding it.
A new survey of 1,500 undergraduates found that one-third (33%) of students say they sometimes or often skip an individual meal because they do not have enough money for food, while more than 1 in 10 (12%) students say they sometimes or often go an entire day without eating because they cannot afford it. - College Pulse Survey
We may think food insecurity occurs only in poor neighborhoods, but it can be found in every neighborhood, even on Main Street. At Meals on Main Street, we are active in the search for evidence of hunger, without making assumptions, without focusing only on the obvious. Why? Because people don’t always ask for help when they are hungry. They may be embarrassed or ashamed.