Thanks for Giving!


When the Police arrived...

If you visited Costco in Port Chester on November 5th, you might have seen a few Port Chester Police Officers collecting donations for the hungry.  If you donated, thank you from the bottom of our hearts, on behalf of the hundreds of families you have fed this month alone.

Twice a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays we stock our pantry shelves with grains, fruits, vegetables, proteins, oil, and dairy items, many of the same items you purchased and donated.  We also use these items to make breakfast and lunch for over a hundred people a day, Monday through Friday.  

So, once again, thank you.  And thank you to the officers who collected and hauled over 3000 items, including nearly 1000 pounds of rice.  Their names are:

Chief Richard Conway
Lt Robert Salerno
Lt Charles Nielsen
Sgt Michael Martello
Sgt Drew Conetta
Det Marcello Presto
PO Yovani Lago
PO Mark Morales
PO Arthur Dusenbury
PO Nick Stella
PO Chris Bivona
PO John Bykowski
PO Ken Manning
PO Efrain Roman