Looking to volunteer on the weekends?
How would you like to help us collect fresh produce on weekends?
Mott Haven Fridge is our newest partner, providing fresh from the market produce for delivery to organizations like ours.
You need to be 18 years or older to sign up as a driver, but Meals on Main Street will provide community service credits for helpers and drivers who pick up produce and deliver to our community food hub in Port Chester or to any of the participating fridges and organizations along the way.
For more information, check out the Mott Haven Fridge on Facebook or download a flyer here.
Here are the volunteering details on driving:
Step 1: Get on the volunteer list at bit.ly/helpafridge
Step 2: Start getting text alerts about Saturday driving events!
Step 3: If you're free, choose a Saturday time-slot between 9:30am and 2:30pm
Step 4: Drive to 1957 Turnbull Avenue and get stocked up with produce rescued from the Hunts Point Produce Market the night before
Step 5: Make a delivery to 1-2 community refrigerators serving neighbors in need ... or ONE community refrigerator and the new fridge/freezer hub in Port Chester!