Posts tagged Food Sourcing
How is Meals On Main Street different from Feeding Westchester?

Feeding Westchester empowers Meals On Main Street to provide meals and food directly to families in need. 

Feeding Westchester delivering to MOMS.

Feeding Westchester is a wholesale aggregator and distributor of food to partner agencies. MOMS is a partner agency working closely with Feeding Westchester and County Harvest to receive and distribute greater quantities of perishable food from local supermarkets.

Where is most of our food from?

62% of the food we distribute comes from direct donations from supermarkets and individual school and organization food drives.  Beginning in 2021, we increased our involvement with local farms, buying CSA (Community Sourced Agriculture) shares with grants from the Food Sovereignty Fund and Episcopal Charities. In 2022, we grew our farm-to-family program considerably, with funding from Westchester Community Foundation, Westchester County and others. Today, 19% of the food is purchased from farms, with 14% from Restaurants and 5% from Feeding Westchester.

Tedeschi Trucks Band collected food for MOMS at The Capitol Theatre during its weekend shows.

With a grant from Feeding America and Feeding Westchester, and a partnership with County Harvest, we have plans to pick up food donations from more local supermarkets, helping to ensure that no food goes to waste. The goal is to more than double the amount of perishable food we collect weekly so we can keep our pantry trucks well stocked throughout the year, not just during the harvest season.