How does a food hub differ from a food pantry?

Traditionally, food hubs are connection points between suppliers and distributors of food. Small farms rely on food hubs to connect them with local buyers.

Refrigerated container at Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers in Ossining, our farm-to-family food hub.

MOMS borrowed this idea and built on it, employing a refrigerated container as a receiving site for farm-fresh produce during the growing season, and recovered perishable food all year long. Food is delivered to the hub, where it is weighed, sorted, categorized and stored temporarily until it can be loaded on our Pantry Truck for distribution.

Unlike a food pantry which functions as a community store, the hub is more of a wholesale distribution point, aggregating multiple deliveries for local distributors throughout the community.

How is Meals On Main Street different from Feeding Westchester?

Feeding Westchester empowers Meals On Main Street to provide meals and food directly to families in need. 

Feeding Westchester delivering to MOMS.

Feeding Westchester is a wholesale aggregator and distributor of food to partner agencies. MOMS is a partner agency working closely with Feeding Westchester and County Harvest to receive and distribute greater quantities of perishable food from local supermarkets.